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    • Welcome to Nongmaotong!
      Agricultural products
      Nongmaotong - Nongmaotong Pingliang foreign trade comprehensive service platform
      Pingliang cattle

      Product name:Pingliang cattle

      Unit Price:$98


      Product details

      Pingliang Red Bull is a kind of native cattle with red fur that has been carefully bred by local farmers with specific traditional feeding methods under the special natural environment and climate conditions in the eastern plateau of Gansu Province and after the development of agricultural civilization in the Yellow River Basin for thousands of years.

      According to expert evaluation, Pingliang Red Bull has unique flavor, tender meat, abundant snow precipitation in muscle, rich yoke linoleic acid, high myoglobin content, obvious blood-replenishing and oxygen-carrying effect, and its taste is comparable to that of Japanese Wagyu.

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